Corporate Governance

Asset Location: Ayilacherry, Chennai

Borrowing Policy of NDR INVIT Trust

Code of Conduct for Board of Directors and Senior Management Personnel of NDR INVIT Managers Private Limited

NDR INVIT Trust | Document Archival Policy

Investors' Grievance and Redressal Policy (formerly known as Stakeholder Grievance and Redressal Policy)

Policy for Familiarization Programs for Independent Directors of NDR INVIT Managers Private Limited

Policy on Appointment of Auditor and Valuer of NDR INVIT Trust

Nomination & Remuneration Policy

Policy for Determining Materiality of Information for Periodic Disclosures of NDR INVIT Trust

Policy for Evaluation of the Performance of the Board of Directors of NDR INVIT Managers Private Limited

Distribution Policy of NDR INVIT Trust

Policy on Related Party Transactions of NDR INVIT Trust

Policy on Unpublished Price Sensitive Information and Dealing in Securities by the Parties to NDR INVIT Trust

Policy to Promote Diversity on the Board of Directors of NDR INVIT Managers Private Limited

Policy for Prevention of Sexual Harassment of NDR INVIT Managers Private Limited

Risk Management Policy for NDR INVIT Trust

Policy on Succession Planning for the Board and Senior Management of NDR INVIT Managers Private Limited

Terms and Condition for Appointment of Independent Directors (“T&C”)

Policy on Appointment of Nominee Director by Unit Holder

ESG Policy

Data Security Policy

Data Privacy and Confidentiality Policy